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Busy Bees Pre-School

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Our Pre-School

Our School Vision


We believe in Courage to Shine:

Courage to…

  • Face new challenges.
  • Be the best version of ourselves.
  • Have an inquisitive mind.

Be strong and of good courage (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Courage is what we intrinsically promote through our curriculum at Brompton-on-Swale CE Primary School. There are many opportunities for children to engage in through our wider curriculum e.g. performing on stage, representing a team, leading a collective worship, etc. Through taking part in these, we teach children to be brave, try new things and learn from their mistakes to help them move forward.

Face new challenges

This is all about challenging ourselves to try new things or work towards goals and targets. These can be a range of different challenges, from times tables to ‘keepy ups’ on the playground! Through this we learn about resilience and the Christian value of endurance.

Be the best version of ourselves

Through the teaching of Christian Values we aim to be the best version of ourselves. These are at the heart of our curriculum and taught explicitly through collective worship.  Links are also made within PSHE and, where appropriate, across the wider curriculum. Children are able to reflect on these at the end of their time at Brompton and assess how they have developed their Christian Values.

Have an inquisitive mind

Our school curriculum has placed great emphasis on children asking good questions and exploring their learning further. How we teach has been adapted to help develop children’s independence and their ability to research for themselves in order to find out facts and information. Teachers and staff help facilitate this learning pathway but a pupil led approach is encouraged. Through the Christian Value of wisdom, we help prepare children for an ever-changing world where information is regularly available and so we must be able to assess this to know which is of value.

Synergy Trust Schools

About Synergy Schools

Synergy Schools is a federation of primary schools in the north of North Yorkshire. The federation was formed in September 2018 after the 2017-18 academic year, when Brompton-on-Swale and Crakehall CE Primary Schools successfully shared senior leadership capacity.